Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Blitz Cinematics

While in crunch mode we originally were not going to handle these, but at the last second we took them over. This is a taste of what we did for a few of the cut scenes. This image I took from start to finish. In game models, animation, and camera where supplied. I brought it all together and rendered 3 passes, a Beauty shot, Z Depth pass, and Occlusion pass.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Euro Box Art

After we finished up the cut scenes on Blitz, I started to work on the European box art for the game. Here is the finished product with the fancy logos and PS3 branding, and here is an early test render i did. This is all done with the in game character and in game textures has well. No fancy high res models, and Final Gather lighting. Had only a few hours to finish it so I used a simple 4 light setup with Maya's default renderer. In the end i had a 2k image that could render out in less then 30 seconds. Good ol' lighting fundamentals and concepts can bring an image a long way =)